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I started my interest in music since I was a little kid by listening to my dad´s records and following my brother´s improvement on his acoustic guitar.
In the street where I used to live there was a garage band which made me dream that maybe one day I would become a professional musician.

After I graduated in liberal arts I decided to take music seriously. I made part of different bands which gave me some experience in the field and finally I decided to study music at UECE – Universidade Estadual do Ceará.

I wasn´t satisfied then I decided to move to Brasilia, Brazil´s capital, where I heard about a music school where many important names of the Brazilian music had been there. So I moved and graduated in electric bass at EMB – Escola de Música de Brasilia and graduated in music at UNB – Universidade de Brasilia almost at the same time.

Even though I consider myself as a rock bass player there I had the chance to improve myself as a musician playing and studying improvisation and subjects concerning jazz and Brazilian music.

Nowadays I work at the same school where I graduated. I teach bass and some subjects concerning popular music. I still eager to keep studying in order to to be a better musician and a better person.